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Worship Leader and songwriter Israel Mbonyi said that gospel artists have also a big part to play in the Kingdom of God in general, thus, churches should value them and help them in their journey of music development. The popular singer in various hymns praises God has become the first singer to perform at Iwacu Na Muzika Festival which is being held for the third time.

Israel Mbonyi prepares to release a new song in few days, has done an evangelistic concert based on his previous various songs on Saturday night on August 14, 2021, on Rwanda Television. He had been longing for his fans and music lovers to sing with him the list of songs he had selected for the first album he released in 2014, the second album he released in 2017, and the third album he released in 2020.

In a pre-concert interview, he explained that Gospel is music that is created to glorify God, to give comfort and hope to different people. In his music, he always being concerned about what his music does in the life of people listening to it and what they kept from it which can change their life.
The singer-songwriter said that as Rwandan music progresses, so does Gospel music. 
Israel has insisted that some of the big churches here and there have become famous with also the contribution of gospel artists praying or fellowship in. Churches should keep them in mind when planning in general.
"... The churches you see have developed their artists who have played a very important role. So stop putting them aside to give more value.
but rather value them. ”  The artist said the music breaks from the production of the song to its release, processes which are usually hard for an artist. So it is up to the church to support their artists.
During the concert, Mbonyi sang songs like Mbwira ( ‘Tell Me’) , ‘Ibaruwa (Letter) ,  ‘Karame’ (Yes),   Mbega Ubuntu (What a Grace) by Appolinaire ’,Urakoze‘(Thank You ) by Dudu,
Ibihe (Times) , Ku Marembo y'Ijuru (‘At the Gates of Heaven’ ) and Har'ubuzima (‘Life’). The singer also said that he has already selected 50 singers who will be assisting him on his new album 'Cross songs'.


BIBLE VERSE: Believe God, and he will recover thee: and direct thy way, and trust in him. Keep his fear, and grow old therein. Ye that fears the Lord, wait for his mercy: and go not aside from him, lest ye fall. Ye that fears the Lord, believe him: and your reward shall not be made void. Sirach 2:6-8

Morning Prayer

Dear Father in heaven, we come before you to receive what we need as your children who cannot find help and guidance on our own, but only through your Spirit. Enlighten us by your Word, which you alone can give. You will give us your Word so that we can know with absolute certainty and clarity how to serve you.

Your Word will show us the truth that is to be revealed on earth in Jesus Christ. Shelter us in your hands. Strengthen us especially during suffering, and free us from fear and trembling. Fill our hearts with patience and joy. Amen.

We always thank God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, when we pray for you because we have heard of your faith in Christ Jesus and of the love you have for all God’s people – the faith and love that spring from the hope stored up for you in heaven and about which you have already heard in the true message of the gospel that has come to you. Colossians 1:3–5, NIV

Lord our God, we praise your name because we are allowed to bear witness to what we see and hear, to all the good you have given us. May we become firmly and faithfully united, awaiting the glorious day when your almighty hand will be victorious and will bring an end to the many evils among us. On that day you will be praised throughout all nations and everything will be clothed anew, to the glory of your great name. Amen.

Praise and Worship ministry Upendo has released a new song called "Songa Mbele" (move forward). Some of their latest released songs include ; Umujura (Thief) and Hejuru y'abami (Above all kings). this ministry began its praise and worship journey in 2008. 

"This song Songa Mbele has been released to bless people who are experiencing life's heartbreak.  We come to tell them that in all situations there is a God who knows everything,.That's why they have to move forward," A ministry's Member said.


Scripture Reading — Jeremiah 30:1-11

“Cries of fear are heard—terror, not peace.” — Jeremiah 30:4

Anyone who has battled depression knows the feeling of “terror, not peace” described by Jeremiah. A few years ago I experienced a time in which I felt I had lost my calling to work in ministry. I felt that I couldn’t do anything right and that I had no reason to be working in ministry anymore. I felt lost, alone, and helpless. I was afraid.

As Jeremiah prophesies about Israel and Judah, he describes them in a very helpless situation. They are an enslaved people living a seemingly hope­less existence. The only thing that they know to do is to cry out in fear and in terror. Peace is not a companion that they know.

But the Lord doesn’t leave them there. In their time of trouble, God hears them, and he promises that he is with them and will deliver them.

God hears us when we cry out in terror and fear, just as he heard Israel and Judah. He hears us in our hopelessness. And God doesn’t leave us there.

No matter how alone you might feel, God is with you. No matter how afraid you might be, God has you in his hands. So when fear and terror overwhelm you, look for God. When peace is nowhere to be found and helplessness overwhelms you, God is there to calm your fears and deliver you from captivity.


Those the Lord has rescued will return. They will enter Zion with singing; everlasting joy will crown their heads. Gladness and joy will overtake them, and sorrow and sighing will flee away. "I, even I, am he who comforts you." Isaiah 51:11–12a, NIV

Lord our God, we thank you for the trust you have put into our hearts. We thank you for all the signs of your goodness that comfort us when we are in great need and when many deaths take place around us and touch each of us. We thank you for comforting us, for always giving us fresh courage wherever we may be, and for giving us hope for other people, who also struggle hard to find what is good. O Lord God, bless our world with power from on high, with your gifts that bring good to many people. Bless our world. Save it from sin, from ruin, from every kind of despair. Give your blessing, O Lord our God! As you bless us, so bless all the world, to the glory of your name. Amen.

The event took place in Florida, in the United States where the Gentille has been living for a long time. The Bachelorette's party was attended by Gentille's friends and the Patient's Sister who is also among the best friends of his fiance. 

Photos posted on Instagram show Gentille Karamira and the girls in the boat in white, while others in the house are wearing balloons and shorts. Patient Bizimana and Gentille Karamira were recently announced to be getting married at the Restoration Church in Masoro this December 2021, which means the bride is expected in Rwanda very soon for the preparations of their wedding.

The couple's wedding was supposed to take place in August 2020 in the wake of the COVID-19 outbreak but then shifted twice to December 2021 in Kigali. Patient Bizimana and his girlfriend got engaged before the law in 2019, and they are expected to move to the United States soon after their religious wedding.





The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and I am helped. My heart leaps for joy and I will give thanks to him in song. Psalm 28:7, NIV

Lord our God, you are our strength and shield. Our hearts hope in you and we are helped. Accept us from among all the nations as a people who want to serve you. Strengthen our hearts, especially when we must be tested in every way and must face the many hardships that will come when we take up our task of proclaiming your name and witnessing to you. For you are strong and can protect us. You can fill us with light and with joy to proclaim again and again the salvation that is coming through your all-powerful goodness and mercy, salvation in Jesus Christ the Lord. Amen.

Israel Mbonyi going to perform in IWACU MUZIKA FESTIVAL on its third edition broadcasted live on Rwanda TV. This Edition is featuring some of the biggest Rwandan gospel artists and secular ones. It’s the second time he is going to perform at this festival the first time was on  September 26, 2020.

it’s this Saturday 14 august 2021 from 20h45 on Rwanda television 



How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation, who say to Zion, “Your God reigns!” Listen! Your watchmen lift up their voices; together they shout for joy. When the Lord returns to Zion, they will see it with their own eyes. – Isaiah 52:7–8, NIV


Lord our God, grant that we may be your watchmen, who can understand what you mean for our time. We thank you for all you have already done, for every change to the good among the nations. For the nations must bow to your will so that nothing happens unless accomplished by you. Judge us wherever necessary.


Open our eyes to see where we are wrong and where something does not go according to your Spirit. Be with us and give us strength. Raise up more watchmen everywhere, in every place and in every home. Wherever something happens to move people’s hearts, let the watchmen proclaim, “This comes from God. It does not matter how much we suffer.

This comes from Jesus Christ, who suffered and died, but who rose again.” Raise up such watchmen among young and old everywhere on earth, to the glory of your name. Let there be people who go to meet you with shouts of joy and thanksgiving.
